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Lead Developer of Shiba Inus Breaks Silence With Important Updates

The lead developer of Shiba Inu Shytoshi Kusama has broken his silence and is re-engaging with the community via Telegram, providing major updates. In multiple messages, Kusama shared his enthusiasm and ideas aimed at bolstering Shiba Inu’s ecosystem. “Excited to see ALL the incredible projects on Shibarium. Finally, get to come out of quiet mode for all the amazing projects out there,” one of the messages reads.

Kusama adds, “I’ve been talking to VERY important individuals and some top [people] in [the] community for the next phase. Now I can return and support in any way I can as we keep building.”His remarks suggest big changes coming within the Shiba Inu community, that some of the top figures may know about already. Kusama doesn’t namedrop these figures though.

Shiba Inu Lead Developer Shytoshi Kusama to Unveil His True Identity
Source: NFT News Pro

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One of the biggest updates Kusama gave was regarding the LEASH token. Kusama detailed how he aims to make the Shiba Inu community more involved and informed in decisions regarding LEASH. “Yes. My plan is to build a framework that expresses to the community what YOUR plans, products, and platforms that use leash are… so we all can DOOR. (DYOR) Good plan huh?”

“This is the quiet before the typhoon and I can’t wait to learn about all the fantastic projects building with Leash, Shib, Bone or launching on Shibarium.”

Shytoshi Kusama via Telegram

Kusama Gives Updates On Shibarium and Shiba Inu Burning

Kusama also discusses the low use of Shibarium as of late and provides an explanation of how usage of the Shibarium and Shib burning are correlated. “Please understand the ‘burn’ increases as the use of Shibarium and Shib (and all tokens in the ecosystem) increase,” he says. “So I’ve been looking for ways at a zoomed-out level to increase usage with others in our decentralized community.”

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While he didn’t give explicit timelines for any new Shiba Inu updates or projects, Kusama advises the community to keep an eye out and remain patient. Since the ecosystem of SHIB is always changing, he says it is hard to construct an official timeline for updates. “Because time is infinite. It cannot be framed. But, if you’re into watching the waves of the world then you know what time it is.”


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Author: Wesley Shepherd Jr.

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Name: Wesley Shepherd Jr.

Birthday: 1918-06-24

Address: 8069 Kristy Islands, Cherylborough, AZ 05964

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Introduction: My name is Wesley Shepherd Jr., I am a fearless, receptive, ingenious, unyielding, talented, intrepid, Open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.