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The Main Players in the Opposition to Senator Menendez Are These People


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Senator Robert Menendez and four others were charged after a lengthy investigation led by federal prosecutors in Manhattan.

Senator Robert Menendez, in a dark suit and blue tie, testifies at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
Senator Robert Menendez has been preparing to run for re-election to a fourth term in the Senate, and there are no indications that the indictment will change that plan.Credit...Haiyun Jiang /The New York Times

Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey faces new federal corruption charges, almost six years after a trial on unrelated claims of bribery ended with a hung jury.

A 39-page indictment unsealed Friday accused Mr. Menendez of accepting thousands of dollars worth of bribes in exchange for using his power to influence a wide range of corrupt schemes at home and abroad.

The three-count indictment charged Mr. Menendez, a Democrat who leads the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, with sharing “highly sensitive” information about people assigned to the United States Embassy in Egypt and taking other steps that “secretly aided the Government of Egypt.”

In a strongly worded, page-long statement, Mr. Menendez said he was confident that the matter would be “successfully resolved once all of the facts are presented and my fellow New Jerseyans will see this for what it is.”

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Author: Hayley Rodriguez

Last Updated: 1698528003

Views: 876

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Hayley Rodriguez

Birthday: 1936-08-16

Address: 7612 Juan Shoals, Wagnerchester, PA 93372

Phone: +4025150807042802

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Skydiving, Poker, Basketball, Reading, Card Games, Card Collecting, Puzzle Solving

Introduction: My name is Hayley Rodriguez, I am a rich, dazzling, expert, transparent, skilled, fearless, strong-willed person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.